About Me

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I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister & a friend ... To many I have a SIMPLE existence - in reality, I am on an EXTRAORDINARY JOURNEY ... I found my soul - mate, I have the priviledge of loving & raising 3 unique young men, I was given life by 2 amazing parents, I am the sibling of my polar opposite & yet my other half, & I have been given the incredible gift of more true friends than one one person could possibly deserve ... Simple? YES! Extraordinary? FOR CERTAIN! Life is a journey...Lots of stumbles, even some falls --- But I believe the JOY is in the JOURNEY...Join Me & Welcome to my new realm of EXTRAORIDNARY FRIENDS...In order to find the JOY you have to BEGIN the WALK --- Let's GO ---

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Amazing What the Sound of Your Own Voice Can Teach ... If You LISTEN ...

Maybe you have little ones at home, although it helps with older ones to, Maybe you do this when you think that no one is listening --- I am talking about Reading Out Loud!  It is a fact that reading out loud helps good readers to become better readers, reading out loud helps you stay focused & improves comprehension & often reading out loud is simply soothing to the soul.

All that being said I surprised myself yesterday when I prayed out loud.  I will admit I am a "out loud" prayer.  People now just assume I am using BlueTooth, I imagine they used to think I simply was always talking to myself.  It is my habit of mine to drop my fellows off to school, catch a few minutes of Fox News, listen to a little bit of silly on the Kat & then turn the radio off and have my morning chat with God.  It usually starts with a "Good Morning & a hello to my Dad."  Most likely prayers for those I care about who are struggling come next.  I then go on to ask His blessing over my boys for the day --- Be safe, Be happy, Be who He created them to be.  I of late ask for a great deal of peace & calm for myself.  Prayers of gratitude usually follow - and on most days I am happy to report are the bulk of our talk ... I assume He knows all my worries & we chat about those throughout the day so I like to take a little extra time for my Thank Yous! 

Yesterday's prayer was pretty normal, except that I found myself praying for something lets say of a self centered notion ... God knows my heart so there is no use pretending I am gracious all of the time.  This worry I had was real and I am not sorry I shared it with God.  What made me step back was shortly there after I heard of a real need,  I instantly spoke up & prayed and in that instance demanded better of myself...

Out Loud ... I heard myself ask for foolishness.  Out Loud ... I heard myself not trusting His plans.  Out Loud ... I saw myself as human & Him as Almighty...

In a day where we sit quietly and read in the corner hoping for some alone time, where we send emails to lighten the blow, where we text instead of call ... Our voice has become soft --- Has our voice become weak?

I like that my conversation with God has reminded me to SPEAK UP ... Say Hello to a Stranger, Call & Invite Your Spouse to Lunch, and Speak Out Loud to God and allow Him to ANSWER --- He will & I promise it will be LOUD & CLEAR!!!

Happy Talking ...
Love, me

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